how to soundproof baby room

How to Soundproof Baby Room for a Peaceful Sleep?

Ensuring uninterrupted sleep for a newborn is essential, be it a good night’s sleep or a daytime nap. But some babies are sensitive to noise and will wake up screaming at the slightest of disturbances. That’s why soundproofing a baby’s room is crucial. 

With all external noises blocked, both you and your little one can rest easily. That’s not all.

A soundproof baby room will also keep the internal noises inside. So, when your baby is crying it out, no one outside the room will get disturbed. This is especially helpful in apartment buildings. 

How to Soundproof Baby Room for a Peaceful Sleep?

how to soundproof baby room

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to soundproof a baby’s room to create a quiet and peaceful environment inside the room. We have FIVE different methods that you can try to reduce the noise. But first, a quick look at the benefits of soundproofing a baby’s room. 

Benefits of Baby Room Soundproofing

Soundproofing a baby’s room has many benefits for the baby and the entire household. Here’s what you get from baby room soundproofing.

Improved Sleep Quality

Babies are sensitive to noise and can be easily disturbed. This can disrupt their sleep patterns. Soundproofing minimizes external noises and creates a quieter environment that results in better and more restful sleep for the baby.

Parental Relaxation

With the baby protected from noise and disturbance, parents get to relax as well. After soundproofing the baby’s room, the parents can go about their chores without worrying about disturbing the baby.

Enhanced Focus

A quieter room reduces external distractions and allows the baby to focus on activities on hand. In the long run, this can enhance the focusing skills of your child. 


Soundproofing provides privacy for the baby and the family. No noise gets in or out of the room after soundproofing. When living in apartment buildings, this is much needed.

Peaceful Nursing and Bonding

Soundproofing creates a calm atmosphere for feeding and bonding sessions between the baby and parents. Parents can interact with their newborns more intimately and quickly develop stronger bonds.

5 Best Methods Of Soundproofing Baby Room

Now, let’s talk about the various methods you can use to soundproof a baby’s room. As you read along, you’ll learn that soundproofing a baby’s room is more than hanging thicker drapes and filling the baby’s crib with stuffed toys.

For proper sound absorption, you must soundproof the different fixtures of the room.

Here are FIVE things to do to effectively soundproof a baby’s room.

Soundproof the Walls

Take care of the walls before anything else, especially if you have thin walls. From applying soundproof paint to adding mass to the walls, there are plenty of options to consider when soundproofing walls. 

One of the best ways to soundproof the walls of a baby’s room without compromising on the interior design is by insulating the walls with acoustic wall panels. You can easily find themed wall panels that will soundproof the walls without destroying the aesthetics. 

If you’re not on a budget, you can also build a secondary wall in your baby’s room. Using a decoupling system, a secondary drywall can be installed in the room. This will create a sound barrier between the old and the new wall, reducing sound transmission.

Soundproof the Windows

After the walls, it’s time to soundproof the windows. 

Chances are, you have single-pane windows installed in your house. Those are notoriously bad at letting in unwanted noises. Switching to double or triple-pane windows will greatly reduce the noise coming in and going out of the room. 

Of course, changing the windows is expensive work. So, here are a few things you can do to soundproof windows without replacing them:

    • Seal Gaps in the Frame: Use weather-stripping or silicone sealant to seal any gaps around the window frame. Sealing these small openings can significantly reduce noise infiltration. A tight seal is essential for effective soundproofing.
    • Window Inserts: Installing window inserts made of sound-absorbing materials. These panels fit inside or outside the window frame and reduce noise transmission. However, you might lose a little bit of visibility and natural light.

Soundproof the Door OR Install a Solid-Core Door

Noise generated within the house will enter the baby’s room through the door and the walls. So, after soundproofing the wall, it’s time to soundproof the door as well.

The goal is to seal all the gaps and add some mass to the door to make it more noise-resistant.

From sealing the door frame gaps with weatherstripping to using door sweeps made out of silicone or acoustic foam, there are various ways of sealing the gaps. 

Similarly, there are plenty of ways one can add mass to a door. Attaching acoustical foam panels or mass-loaded vinyl to the door will reduce the amount of noise that can travel through the door. 

A slightly expensive but highly effective option is replacing your hollow-core door with a solid-core door. Solid-core doors are thick and block sound waves more effectively as compared to hollow-core doors. 

Install a Fake Ceiling

Installing a false or fake ceiling, also known as a drop or suspended ceiling, can enhance soundproofing in a baby’s room. 

If you want to soundproof a baby’s room in an apartment building, installing a drop ceiling is the first thing you should do to block out the loud footsteps of your upstairs neighbors. This will essentially block all noise coming from the room above. 

While choosing the material for your drop ceiling, make sure to choose panels made out of sound-absorbing materials. Look for panels made of acoustic foam, mineral fibers, and perforated wood. Fiberglass is another effective soundproofing material.

Floor Carpeting

Carpets act as sound absorbers. The fibers in the carpet absorb sound waves, preventing them from bouncing off hard surfaces like wood or tile floors, making the room quieter. Moreover, carpets also dampen impact noises like footsteps. 

Just be careful when installing the carpets. Opt for thicker carpets and install proper padding underneath otherwise, you might not get the desired results. 

Also, remember that full-floor carpeting is a lot of work. It requires regular cleaning and vacuuming.


Now you know how to soundproof a baby’s room. From a peaceful sleeping environment to improved insulation, soundproofing a baby’s room is a worthwhile investment. Moreover, you’re not only providing a quieter space for the baby but the other members of the family and residents of your apartment building.

You can also read: Are Soundproof Door Covers Effective for Doors?


How can I soundproof my kid’s bedroom?

Soundproofing a kid’s bedroom can be achieved through various methods. Here are some of the most effective techniques for soundproofing a baby room.

  • Soundproof walls.
  • Soundproof door and windows.
  • Install floor carpeting.

Why should I soundproof my baby’s room?

Soundproofing a baby’s room has several short and long-term benefits. Here are a few reasons why baby room soundproofing is important:

  • Uninterrupted sleep.
  • Develop better sleep patterns.
  • Privacy and comfort.
  • Relaxing environment for baby and parents.

What are some easy ways of soundproofing a baby’s room?

Some DIY methods of soundproofing a baby’s room include soundproof paint on the walls, hanging thick curtains, applying weather-stripping around window and door frames, and using white noise machines to block external noises.

Are white noise machines a good alternative to soundproofing?

White noise machines are not an alternative to soundproofing. They serve an entirely different purpose by blocking noise with noise. Although white noise machines do help babies sleep better, soundproofing the whole room creates a quieter atmosphere in the room.

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