How to make a soundproof cubicle

How To Make A Soundproof Cubicle

The need for soundproofing has become increasingly important in today’s world, especially in open-plan offices or shared workspaces. One effective solution for reducing noise pollution is to create a soundproof cubicle.

In this article, we will guide you on how to make a soundproof cubicle that will help you to focus on your work and increase your productivity.

How To Make A Soundproof Cubicle?

To make a soundproof cubicle, you will need to install soundproofing foam on the walls, ceiling, and floor, add acoustic panels, seal gaps and cracks using a soundproofing sealant and weather stripping, use heavy curtains or blinds, and add a rug or carpet to absorb sound waves.

You often soundproof:

It is also important to note that a professional assessment and installation may be necessary for optimal results.

Materials Needed:

Before we get into the step-by-step process, let’s take a look at the materials you’ll need to create your own soundproof cubicle. The materials you’ll need include:

  • Soundproofing foam
  • Acoustic panels
  • Soundproofing sealant
  • Weather stripping
  • Heavy curtains or blinds
  • Rug or carpet

Step By Step Guide

Step 1: Install Soundproofing Foam

The first step in creating a soundproof cubicle is to install soundproofing foam. This foam is designed to absorb sound waves and reduce the amount of noise that enters your cubicle. You can install the foam on the walls, ceiling, and floor of your cubicle. Be sure to cut the foam to the appropriate size and shape for your cubicle.

Step 2: Add Acoustic Panels

Acoustic panels are another effective way to reduce noise in your cubicle. These panels are designed to absorb sound waves and improve the acoustics of your space. You can install acoustic panels on the walls, ceiling, and floor of your cubicle. Be sure to choose panels that are the appropriate size and shape for your cubicle.

Step 3: Seal Gaps and Cracks

To ensure that your cubicle is as soundproof as possible, it’s important to seal any gaps or cracks that may allow sound to enter. You can use a soundproofing sealant to seal gaps around door frames, windows, and other openings. Weather stripping can also be used to seal gaps around the edges of your cubicle.

Step 4: Use Heavy Curtains or Blinds

Another way to reduce noise in your cubicle is to use heavy curtains or blinds. These can be hung over the windows or door of your cubicle to block out external noise. Additionally, you can use them as a divider inside the cubicle to block sound from entering or leaving the cubicle.

Step 5: Add Rugs or Carpet

Finally, adding a rug or carpet to your cubicle can help to reduce noise by absorbing sound waves. This is especially effective if you have a hard floor surface, such as tile or hardwood. Be sure to choose a rug or carpet that is thick and made of a material that is good at absorbing sound.

Which of these steps is the most effective?

The most effective step in soundproofing a cubicle will depend on the specific situation and type of noise that is being addressed. However, some steps that are generally considered to be highly effective include:

Adding sound-absorbing materials:

Materials such as acoustic foam, acoustic panels, and sound-absorbing curtains can be effective in reducing noise by absorbing sound waves. These materials can be applied to walls, ceilings, and floors, and can be effective in reducing both external and internal noise.

Sealing gaps and cracks:

Gaps and cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings can allow sound to travel through. Sealing these gaps with acoustic sealant or caulking can be effective in reducing noise transmission.

Adding mass to walls:

Adding mass to walls, such as by installing heavy curtains or adding a layer of drywall, can be effective in blocking sound.

Installing acoustic underlayment or sound barriers:

Acoustic underlayment or sound barriers can be installed under flooring to reduce noise transmission through floors.

Installing soundproof glass or acoustic window inserts:

Soundproof glass or acoustic window inserts can be installed on windows to reduce external noise.

It’s important to note that many of these steps should be done by professionals and they may differ in cost, so it’s best to consult with a professional before deciding which steps to take.

What Causes Cubicle Noise?

Cubicle noise can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • External noise from outside sources such as traffic, construction, and nearby businesses or neighbors
  • Noise from other people working in the office, such as conversations, phone calls, and typing
  • Noise from office equipment such as printers, copiers, and fax machines
  • Poor acoustics within the office space, such as hard surfaces that reflect sound and lack of sound-absorbing materials
  • Gaps or cracks in the walls, floors, or ceiling that allow sound to travel through
  • Poorly designed cubicles or lack of dividers or partitions
  • Lack of soundproofing materials or lack of proper installation of soundproofing materials

It is important to note that different solutions may be required for different types of noise, and that a professional assessment may be necessary to determine the best course of action to reduce cubicle noise.

Is Soundproofing Cubicles Worth It?

Soundproofing cubicles can be worth it for many reasons, including:

Increased Productivity:

Noise can be a major distraction, reducing worker productivity and focus. By soundproofing cubicles, workers will be less distracted by outside noise and be able to work more efficiently.

Improved Communication:

Cubicles that are soundproofed can help improve communication between coworkers by reducing background noise and making it easier to hear each other.

Improved Employee Satisfaction:

Noise can be a major source of stress and dissatisfaction for employees. By reducing noise, workers may feel more comfortable and satisfied with their working environment.

Improved Privacy:

Soundproofed cubicles can help increase privacy and reduce the amount of information that is overheard by others.

Compliance with regulations:

In some cases, soundproofing cubicles is mandatory to comply with regulations and standards.

That being said, the need and cost-benefit of soundproofing cubicles will depend on the specific workplace, the level of noise, and the preferences of the employees. A professional assessment is recommended to determine the best course of action and estimate costs.


Can you soundproof a cubicle?

A: Yes, it is possible to soundproof a cubicle by using materials such as soundproofing foam, acoustic panels, soundproofing sealant and weather stripping, heavy curtains or blinds, and rugs or carpets to absorb sound waves.

Q: How do you make a soundproof enclosure?

A: To make a soundproof enclosure, you can use a combination of materials such as soundproofing foam, acoustic panels, soundproofing sealant and weather stripping, heavy curtains or blinds, and rugs or carpets to absorb sound waves. It is also important to seal any gaps or cracks that may allow sound to enter the enclosure.

Q: What materials can block sound?

A: Materials that can block sound include:

  • Soundproofing foam
  • Acoustic panels
  • Soundproofing sealant
  • Weather stripping
  • Heavy curtains or blinds
  • Rug or carpet
  • Mass-loaded vinyl
  • Fiberglass insulation
  • Concrete blocks
  • Soundproof paint

Q: What is the best material to block sound?

A: The best material to block sound would be a combination of materials such as mass-loaded vinyl and fiberglass insulation. These materials have a high sound transmission class (STC) rating, which measures the effectiveness of a material in blocking sound.

Q: What is the cheapest way to soundproof a room?

A: Some of the cheapest ways to soundproof a room include using weather stripping to seal gaps and cracks, using heavy curtains or blinds to block external noise, adding a rug or carpet to absorb sound, and using soundproofing foam or acoustic panels.

Q: What can I use to soundproof cheap?

A: Some inexpensive materials that can be used to soundproof a room include: weather stripping, heavy curtains or blinds, rugs or carpets, soundproofing foam, and acoustic panels.

Q: Does tin foil block sound?

A: Tin foil does not effectively block sound. While it may reflect some sound waves, it is not an effective soundproofing material.

Q: How do you get privacy in a cubicle?

A: To get privacy in a cubicle, you can use a combination of methods such as: installing soundproofing materials, adding heavy curtains or blinds, using a partition or divider, and using noise-cancelling headphones.

Q: How do you make a room 100% soundproof?

A: Making a room 100% soundproof is challenging and typically requires professional installation of materials such as mass-loaded vinyl and fiberglass insulation, as well as sealing all gaps, cracks and openings. Additionally, it is important to note that 100% soundproofing is not always practical or necessary, and it may be more effective to reduce noise to an acceptable level.

Q: What can I use instead of soundproof?

A: Instead of soundproofing, you could use noise-cancelling technology, adding heavy curtains or blinds, using a partition or divider, and using noise-cancelling headphones to reduce unwanted noise.

Q: What can block neighbours noise?

A: To block noise from neighbors, you can use a combination of materials such as mass-loaded vinyl, fiberglass insulation, soundproofing foam, acoustic panels, soundproofing sealant and weather stripping, heavy curtains or blinds, and rugs or carpets to absorb sound waves.


Creating a soundproof cubicle is an effective way to reduce noise and improve your focus and productivity. By following the steps outlined in this article and using the right materials, you can create a soundproof cubicle that will help you to work in peace and quiet.

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